Thursday 4 September 2014

Week One and Workshops

Summers over and the school year has started. I have been in Transition Year for one week. At first, I found it strange to be wearing a different skirt and being called a 'senior'. I was really excited for TY to start though. On our first day we were divided into our new classes. I was nervous about what class I would be in but I was really happy as I am with all of my friends! Our classes are name after Disney Princesses. I am in class Ariel, named after Ariel in The Little Mermaid.

So far, I am really enjoying TY! It is more relaxed than third and we don't have to do as much work. Yesterday we had three workshops. The first was an etiquette workshop. We learnt about body image, dressing for job interviews and hand and nail care. We also brought in our own heels and the women showed us how to walk in heels properly. I'd never thought that I would wear heels in school! The second workshop was Positive Parties. This was about self esteem, confidence and how to have a positive mind set. We danced, laughed and had fun. The third workshop was for First Aid. We learnt basic first aid skill such as the Heimlich manoeuvre and CPR. This was my favourite workshop of the day as I found it really interesting.

I am excited for the following week because school sports and choir will be starting soon. We are also getting our Junior Cert results on Wednesday which I am nervous about, but looking forward to!

-Eve x